She was born in Savona, has one daughter, and is a cashier’s lawyer. Graduated in Law with economics in 1993, from the University of Genoa with prof. lawyer Victor Uckmar, and was awarded cum laude and dignity of press. He won the Sertorio Lawyer Prize and has been a Ph.D. candidate in International and Comparative Tax Law since 1999. She has been a member of the Genoa Bar Association since 1996, achieving 300/300 on her final exam, and practiced from 1993 to 2008 in the firm of Prof. Victor Uckmar, with whom she taught for many years at the University of Genoa. In 2008, he founded Studio Armella & Associati, with offices in Milan and Genoa, listed in March 2021 by Forbes magazine among “The 100 excellences of legal in Italy,” a selection of 100 legal and consulting firms, among only 20 firms selected in the “Tax” sector. The firm is also among the founders and only Italian member of Green lane, an international association of independent professional firms specializing in international trade. He is chairman of the Customs & trade facilitation committee of the Italian Section of the International Chamber of Commerce. He is an Italian delegate to the Commission on Customs and trade regulations of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris and a member of the International Fiscal Association and the Anti. He is a non-academic lecturer at Bocconi University, University of Genoa, University of Tor Vergata and at ICE (Agency for the Promotion Abroad and Internationalization of Italian Enterprises), and is the author of the monograph “Customs Law of the European Union” (Egea-Università Bocconi, 2017), and “EU Customs Code” (Bocconi University Press, 2017), adopted by several universities around the world, in undergraduate and master’s courses, as well as the entry “Customs Taxes” in the Encyclopedia Giuridica Treccani. 2 She has been an official speaker at many international conferences, including the Conference organized by the World Customs Organization (WCO), North Macedonia in 2019 and the International Customs Law Academy (ICLA) Conferences in Chile (2017) and Italy (2018). She was awarded the title of “Academic of Customs Law” by the International Customs Law Academy – ICLA, which has only 100 experts worldwide.
From 2007 to 2011 she was President of Spim, Society for the Real Estate of the City of Genoa, share capital 136 million. From 2011 to 2015 she was president of Fiera di Genova spa, at that time the organizing company of the Boat Show and Euroflora. From 2016 to 2018, she was a board member of Banca Carige spa and Banca Cesare Ponti. From 2020 to present, he is an independent board member of Ferservizi spa of the State Railways Group. From 2020 to present, he has been an independent board member of Autogas Nord spa, a company with annual sales of 450 million. He is chairman and member of a number of Supervisory Bodies under Leg; 231/2001.